Somebody take the ball and run, please.
From the Lewinsky “affair” to Impeachment: End of December 1997 to December 19, 1998. Almost one year to the day.
June 17, 1972 police arrest five men attempting to break into Democratic party offices to set up wire taps. Nixon resigns August 9th, 1974. 2 years.
Kennedy is shot, November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald is caught, but then killed 2 days later by Jack Ruby. In September of 1964, The Warren Commission decides Oswald was the Lone Gunman, but theories and reenactments occur to this day. Some concur with the W.C., others poke holes in the findings. The point is that while many believe that the official Warren Commission was a “cover up” the Conspiracy Theory element has been in the headlines and news ever since.
The Manhattan Project employed over 130,000 people and existed in secret for about 2 years before the blasts on Japan.
Now for 9/11.
I am not exactly sure how long it took for people to start bringing up the Operation Northwoods concept (hatched by the JFK administration, which Kennedy, to his credit disciplined the CIA, for such terrible ideas), radio-controlled planes with missiles, controlled demolitions, stand-down orders, missiles flown into the Pentagon, terrorist boogey men, etc. The point is even after the 9/11 Commission report these Conspiracy Theories remain firmly in the background next to Project Blue Book, 5 years after the fact.
Pause for a minute and think about what it would take for all this 9/11 stuff to be what some people believe it to be. How many people would be involved? How much planning would be necessary? How much time would it take to organize such an effort and find the right people to keep it all secret? How do you sell the idea to all these people.
If there really is an ocean of solid, real evidence that points to our government as being traitorous murders that these Theories suggest, why hasn’t somebody gotten behind it? The anchors on the nightly news surely have enough clout to get this story in front of the world and give it credibility.
There are countless national radio personalities who seemingly want to see the Bush Administration swing from the gallows. To those people "Bring on this evidence and make my country a better place, please. You have the resources and the voice to do this".
Surely there is somebody with guts to stand up and tell the story. There has to be some politician to see the gain from releasing the facts of this atrocity on the world.
Yet all I ever hear is “journalism” in the form of infotainment. Their job is to get you to listen to their program and entice you to tune in tomorrow because it makes them money!
The internet is a blessing and curse. You can get information about anything at the drop of a hat, but that information isn’t always the most reliable. It also gives everybody and anybody a voice (this blog is a great example!)
There is a difference between facts and opinions. Even scientists, have opinions mingled in with facts.
I want to know where the outrage is? If there really is enough evidence that shows OUR OWN GOVERNMENT orchestrated an attack on our own country why hasn’t there been some kind of uproar???
A Revolution was started 200 years ago due in part to unfair taxing.
Attacking your own country has to be a little higher on the outrage meter than that, yes?
Until then, I have to believe the much simpler scenario that 19 terrorists hijacked 4 planes, flew them our buildings and killed thousands of people.