This coffee sure is an eye-opener!
I love coffee. I am especially fond of flavored coffees. I don't drink a gazillion cups a day, just one or two in the morning with an occasional early afternoon indulgence. I am not into the Grande Supro Macchiatious Non-skim what-ever-the-suck you call it.
I am always on the hunt for good coffee. Folgers, Hillsbrothers, anything in a can at the supermarket is NOT good coffee. One of my favorite coffees comes from California - Newhall Coffee. Try it. Very good.
Yesterday while visiting my in-laws, my father-in-law asked me if I wanted to look at a coupon book mailer. As I paged through it, there was a coupon for a local coffee place called "K & B Unique Coffees".
Cool. Local, "unique" - I'll check them out. Their coupon was for "20% off on your purchase of two sacs or more". (Remember that for later!) Oddly there was no address or even a phone number on their coupon. Hmmm. There was a URL, so cool. I figured I would check it out the next day.
I fired up the computer this morning and I entered the URL. No dice. It was wrong. "Parked" in 'net terms. OK. There was also an email address, which had a slightly different domain name, so tried that. Still nothing. Off to Yahoo to do a search. Bingo. Here is a blurb on the "Home" page:
One of most successful blends, which depicts a synched scrotalesque image and bears the tagline, "Turn your head and coffee, duly named The Bean Bag, could only come from two ambitious stereotypical males and is truly a play on words"
I had to read that a couple times to make sure I read it right. I did. Interesting choice for branding. Also on the left nav-bar on the web sites was a link to "TESTIS".
What the..?
I clicked on it and they were "testimonials" from customers who had bought the coffee. Ah, OK. "Testis", short for testimonials. I get it. Another fascinating marketing choice. On to the coffees!
The first blend that comes up when the "Our Beans" link is pressed is this, their "Bukkoffe" blend with the slogan "Your morning money shot":

It gets better.
Here is the aforementioned "The Bean Bag":

And who could resist going "Beans Deep" in the morning:

These could be the best coffees on the planet, but there is something about a nutsack on my bag of coffee that fails to telegraph that comfy warm feeling of that first morning cup of joe.
Then again, it could make a for funny "gag" gift. Santa's sack takes on a whole new meaning.