Now that's just Stupid.
There is a very popular childrens book titled "The Stinky Cheese man and other fairly stupid tales"

It's an eclectic book that lampoons fairy tales. Several theater groups around the country have adapted the book into plays and musicals and we took our kids to one last weekend.
We looked online to buy tickets and learn about the show and we see this line in copy on their website:
"Note to Parents: While the word “stupid” appears in the title of the show, it is never said during the production. "
We have gotten to a place where it's not even ok to say the word "Stupid".
The title of the book is in the promotional material, on the marquee outside, on the website - all using the word "STUPID" - yet they refuse to say it in the show. They actually use the word "goofy" instead. While "goofy" certainly is a good alternative I can't comprehend why it had to changed in the first place.
What is so offensive about "Stupid"? I have actually heard with my own ears parents using much harsher language around their kids. It seems in some households that dropping the "F-bomb" has become dinner table approved, yet "Stupid" has become worthy of censorship and shame.
It just seems so stupid - I mean goofy.